Branded Content: This Monsoon Take Extra Care of Your Car's Heart

Monsoon has already arrived in many parts of the country. When you look at rainfall from your balcony while drinking tea, it will look good. But there are certain extreme aspects of rain like a flood, water-logging, and much more. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us haven’t driven our car in the last 3 months. However, as the monsoon season arrived, the Indian government lifted restrictions in certain areas. So, now people have started driving their cars. But driving in monsoon means you need to face the water-logging conditions. To protect yourself and your car from the wrath of the monsoon, you should buy comprehensive car insurance from reputable insurers. This insurance policy will provide coverage for damage to the vehicle. It also provides coverage for third-party damage. 

You should know that your insurance policy will cover your car against the damage caused due to inundation, flood, storm, etc. But it will not protect your car in case of damage caused to the engine due to starvation of lubricants or hydrostatic lock, which are common in monsoon season. So, now you must be asking what to do then? 

Well, you can protect your engine with the help of an add-on. When you buy car insurance online, you should also opt for Engine Protection add-on. This add-on will take care of expenses that might incur during the repair of the engine and its parts. Let’s understand this in detail: 

What Is Engine Protection Add-on?

An Engine Protection is an Add-on that will support you financially in case of damage caused to your car’s engine or its parts like pins, crankshaft, piston, cylinder, gearbox, etc. The engine is the most expensive part of the car; hence, its repairing cost will also be high. There are so many ways in which your engine can get damaged, like water ingression, leakage of lubricating oil, damage to the gearbox, hydrostatic lock, etc. Also, in monsoon season there is an extra fear of water entering your engine. So, it is highly advisable for you to buy this add-on with your car insurance policy if you live in an area that is more prone to floods and heavy rainfall. 

How Does Engine Protection Cover Work?

Let’s say your car’s engine and its parts are damaged. The repair and replacement cost of the engine and its parts can go up to 1 lakh to 1.2 lakh in India. Even if, you have insured your car with insurance, you have to pay for all the damages from your pocket. Only, if you have opted for engine protection cover as an add-on, all the expenses incurred in repairing and replacing the engine and its part will be taken care of by your insurance provider. You can just relax and wait for your repaired car. Just like you take care of your heart by eating healthy, you should take care of your car’s heart by buying car insurance with an Engine Protection Add-on.

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